Faculty Resources
Reserve Service
You may place any item on reserve for the use of your students. Items may include books or media from the library’s collection, including reference titles and bound journals. Or you may wish to place items from your personal collection on reserve, including copies of textbooks.
However, please DO NOT place items that you have borrowed from another library on reserve.
We offer several loan period options for reserve service:
- In-library use (item stays in the library and is borrowed by the student for up to 3 hours). This is the most popular choice. It is especially useful for articles or book chapters which the student either copies or quickly reviews.
- Over-night (item is borrowed by the student overnight but must be returned to the library the next day within one hour of opening)
- Two-day, Three-day and Seven -day loan periods are also available. We recommend using a longer loan period for DVDs and other media.
We offer AV equipment for student use including a video/DVD player, CD players, MP3 players, recorders, and turntables. Students should have no difficulty accessing any media that you place on reserve.
We have two copy machines for student/public use so students may copy any reserved articles, if desired.
Borrowing Privileges
Note that as a faculty member of Quincy University, you enjoy similar borrowing privileges at other CARLI universities as you would here at Quincy University. You may borrow items via the I-Share catalog or in person from any member CARLI library.
Bibliographic (Research) Instruction
The librarians are always happy to assist your students with their research.
Most of the reference services provided by the librarians include a teaching opportunity. The library website is designed to help students better understand the research process and use resources effectively. However, you may find that many of your students need extra help in a more formal setting. To this end, the librarians offer formal lectures geared toward research assignments. A lecture can focus on a specific assignment or research in general. It can also focus on research in a specific discipline ranging from freshmen through graduate level presentation. These lectures may occur in the library or in your classroom.
Please feel free to contact any of the librarians by phone, in person, or at k.kraushaar65@davidegalliani.com for more information on this service.